Monday, November 10, 2008

Phenomenal Frequencies

Phenomenal Frequencies

Jill Mattson,

Sound is a force of nature that relatively few individuals have understood well enough to fully utilize its breadth of application. For millennia, however, a few of those well versed persisted in their study of such arcana so that it has morphed into an advanced branch of science today. People through the ages have employed sound to accomplish a vast range of surprising, practical, even fearsome tasks – from achieving political and governmental strategies to agricultural and other commercial, religious, as well as personal purposes … from attaining a measure of control over civilians’ minds to liquefying body organs (or breaking up gallstones and destroying fibroid tumors in mainstream Western medicine today). Not well known is the fact that just as sound can be used to heal, however, it can be used to kill.

The US Navy has tested for over 7500 hours a low frequency active sonar devise to track submarines. It operates at 120 to 240 decibels or volume of sound. In comparison, a jet engine operates at about 120 decibels. As the decibel scale is logarithmic, 240 decibels is one billion times greater than 140 decibels, not to mention that sound travels farther and faster in water than in air.

After the navy employed this testing, many whales were beached, some showing the cause of death as destroyed brain and ear tissue damage. After being sued by environmental groups the military shelled out millions to research the effects of high-powered sonar on marine life.
According to a navy document, a Navy diver suffered dizziness, confusion, and tingling in the arms after being exposed to 15 minutes of 160 decibels of this sonar. Months later, he complained about on ongoing memory loss, depression and seizures. Another individual, Chris Reid, experienced similar short and long-term symptoms after being exposed to 124 decibels of the same sonar.

The walls of Jericho were reported to crumble, leaving the city defenseless and open to ruin, after the prolonged sound of trumpets. Harmonic scientist, Harold Moses claims that the sound of two pitches, five notes a part will create ongoing energy. Fabien Maman, a "sound" scientist, claims that playing in the key of "G" would enable such a task to be effective.

French scientist, Gavrand, experimented with the effects of a six-foot police whistle after World War II. The technician died on the spot when the whistle was sounded: an autopsy revealed that his organs had been jellied. Clearly the potential of sound as a weapon is evident.

The Chinese, many thousands of years ago, controlled elements of all music, such as pitches, style and the types of instruments used during different times of the year, so as to control the harmonics that each instrument created. This was done to police the sound vibrations entering the masses’ consciousness. The rulers believed this method enabled them to control the masses. While this approach may seem weird, their dynasties did last for thousands of years -- while we have difficulty at times maintaining order with our presidential term of four years. Ancient Druid traditions also utilized perpetual choirs (24/7) to preserve certain energy frequencies that they believed might help them stay in power. Indeed, Lure states that the music did indeed stop before the ancient Druids lost power during the Inquisition.

Sound is now being used to produce specific brain waves in people. Numerous studies concerning the use of sound and light machines enable listeners to tune their brains to specific "help frequencies" that facilitate improvements, including increased abilities to learn and adapt quickly to change. Specific frequencies are also known to facilitate psychic phenomena such as remote viewing.

Other techniques for controlling brain functions come from the use of binaural beats in headphones to trigger the coordination of both left and right hemispheres of the brain, triggering whole-brain functioning rather than everyday right- or left-brain functioning. This technique has significant impacts on learning, IQ, creativity, and intuitive thinking. As above, so below, was the sage of Hermes, referring to the application of universal laws to the heavens, earth and also on a microscopic level. The work of French physicist, Joel Sternheimer, shows that amino acids could be isolated, and a unique frequency measured for each one. When different tones from a group of amino acids in a protein were combined, Sternheimer recognized some plant species’ songs as familiar ones such as "O Sole Mio" and "The Blue Danube." Better yet, when Sternheimer played a plant’s amino acids’ songs back to the plants of the same species, he documented 250 percent plant growth and resilience to drought and disease. Several Internet companies, such as Sonic Bloom, now sell plant songs and nutrients for increased 50 to 500 percent growth.

People have observed numerical patterns in nature that often mirror our musical system of chords. These numbers can be converted to frequencies, exposing us aurally to numerical patterns often found in nature. Some believe that using new chords with these same numerical patterns could effect change in mass consciousness. Some composers, such as Jill Mattson, used these patterns of vibrations in their music.

Fabien Maman, who lives in France, has taken pictures with Kirlian photography of cells in our bodies exposed to a variety of frequencies. He documented the shapes and colors of the cells while they were undergoing changes, depending on the pitch and type of instrument used (which affect the dominant harmonics of a pitch). He also showed certain sounds exploding helia cancer cells, which are rigid and unable to resonate with some frequencies.

This is just a sampling of many fascinating stories of the powers of sound and music that can be harnessed. I have years of experience introducing people to these powers in intriguing, entertaining, and indeed enthralling ways, opening a whole new world to audiences so they never again consider sound, hearing, or even our ears in the same way.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Medical research studies on Healing Sounds

"Music stimulation increases endorphin release and this decreases the need for medication. It also provides a distraction from pain and relieves anxiety" -- from research conducted at an Austin, Texas medical center.

How cool can it get?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What do you think of these quotes???

"The whole human mechanism is a resonator for sound." ~ Hazrat Khan, Head of the Sufi Order

"Electromagnetic energy, and perhaps other forms of energy, influence cellular function at the level of the cell receptor." ~ Beverly Rubik, leading synthesizer of research on energy medicine

"Every human molecule has a particular corresponding musical frequency; and masses of particles behave and maneuver among themselves as if they were musical notes on the chromatic scale." ~ Joel Sternheimer, from his article, "The Music of the Elementary Particles"

"As medicine moves toward holistic approaches that integrate body, mind, and emotion, it becomes more like music, which has always concerned itself with a person's total beingness" ~ Helen Bonney, Pioneer music therapist, developer of Guided Imagery with Music
Joel Andrews golden harp website

"It is the task of the Chalice worker to free the physical body from literal time, burdened time, to be replaced with eternity. The music helps the body and soul unbind (but not destroy) the threads that sustain life processes by freeing patients from time. Perhaps it is the mirror opposite of entrainment; perhaps is it a micro-cosmic entrainment." ~ Therese Schroeder-Shueker, The Chalice of Repose Project, Music Thanatology -- The Extended Art of Palliative Medicine for the Dying

Monday, March 10, 2008

thought you might like these tidbits! J

Music is now used in surgical and dental procedures to reduce the pain and anxiety of the patients. 59,000 patients 97 percent said that music helped them relax in post op situations.

The human organism is not only constructed according to harmonic principles, but also functions within them." ~ Gunther Hildebrandt, German physiologist

"It has been found that the rhythmics of the human organism function utterly harmonically -- that is, the frequencies of pulse, breathing, blood circulation, etc., as well as their combined activities." ~ Rudolf Haase, German musicologist

The body needs coordination with body, mind and emotions to heal. Music affects all three, as they are energies in and around the body.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Singing vowel sounds is a powerful way to refresh your energy and improve your health. The process of singing a vowel sound, with the pitch changing is called toning.
Why should you sing like this? Sounds are more powerful than you know. For example, some sounds produce melatonin in your body. Melatonin aides sleep. As people age, they lose the ability to sleep deeply. However, your body regenerates itself when you sleep. So more melatonin enables you to sleep better and have additional time for your body to regenerate itself, instead of it tossing and turning the night away. There have been studies that show the increase of youthful attributes in guinea pigs that receive melatonin. You can produce healthy chemicals inside you with toning, too!
Here’s another reason why you should consider singing to yourself or toning. Masuro Emoto published photographs of the structure of polluted water, showing a fragmented and abstract image. After a holy man toned to the water, a photograph of the same water was retaken. It revealed the water had transformed into a pure, balanced, crystalline structure, matching the pictures of unpolluted water. Toning changed the water. Our bodies are made up of 97%water. Think of what toning can do for your health!
We use sound naturally to relieve pain, but we forget to credit sound. Ouch! Groan! Scream in pain! Why do we do this? We use sound to release pain out of our body. It is instinctual.
The karate master cries before he strikes. The weight lifter groans before as he lifts. Why? Because the voice releases energy and power.
We all know that the "hello" we say to someone we love is different than the "hello" we say to someone we don’t like. The communication we give is in our tone of voice, more so than the words.
Our subconscious feelings ride on the tone or our spoken words. Our tone communicates our underlying intent and feelings beneath the words we express. When our brain censors ideas, they remain in our tone of voice. We may not even be aware of these underlying feelings, but others sense these feelings from our tone of voice. Our tone is secret hidden communication link of our subconscious mind.
Notice sounds that we utter have vowels in them, like "ooooooh" and "aaaaaaaah." The vowels and the tones or the pitch express our feelings, whereas consonants express our thoughts. Mystics have taught that vowels contain magnetic/spiritual energy, and the consonants have electrical/physical energy. They also reveal that sound creates matter and the most powerful way to create in matter with out voices is to marry our thoughts with our feelings.
How often do we tell people we feel fine, when we don’t? Or "nothing is new," when we don’t want to share anything? Or that we like something when we don’t? When our feelings and our words are not in alignment, we create dissonance in our bodies. Speaking our truth sets us free.
Toning for Health
Each organ in our body has its own frequency or tone. An organ is made up of cells that are made of moving energy, such as electrons. The collective group of cells in an organ operates well in a specific frequency. For example, we know if we freeze we can die, because the temperature causes our organs to change frequency and stop working.
When we think and feel negatively, we lower the frequency within ourselves, within our organs. When someone carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, we see him moving slowly, due to low frequency energy. In contrast, when we are happy, we feel like we can float on the clouds, as we are lighter in feelings.
An accumulation of negative thoughts and feelings, like anger, disappointment, hate, pity, helplessness, stress and worry slow down energy in our organs. If this energy slows down long enough, we get dis-ease. Acupuncture is one method to regenerate these currents of energy in our body. Another way is toning, that you can do yourself quickly, easily and for free.
Toning is a method of taking in energy and raising the frequencies of organs and systems within our bodies. Toning balances our energy, allows the natural flow of energy, allows us to express feelings and release negativity, and it gives us a body tune-up!
"The purpose of toning is to restore the vibratory pattern of the body to its perfect electromagnetic field, so that it will function in harmony with itself."
Self created sound affects you from the inside out, whole body and brain resonates. Sound can break up imbalances and restore body’s natural resonance.
Laurel Keyes writes about a small group of people that toned vowel sounds, while imagining the tone going through another’s body. She reports tumors healed, cancer cured, and other marvelous affects. One beauty of toning is that the recipient of healing sound doesn’t have to know you are doing it for it to work.
How to Tone to Benefit Others
Face another individual, or imagine them across from you.
Close your eyes.
Relax, keep your teeth apart.
Tune into your own feelings and put your thoughts aside.
Set your intentions. Expect to clear energy blockages in the other person. Placebos are often effective as high as 79 of the time, because a positive belief is a powerful energy. It is important that you believe you can heal another.
Utter the highest pitch on any vowel sound that you can, and let the tone smoothly sink in pitch, like you are pretending to be a fire siren.
As you do this, imagine the tone traveling to the other person’s body, starting with his head and going towards his feet.
Listen carefully to your sound. There will be cracks in the sound, places where it sounds softer or weaker. When this occurs, stay on this pitch, and then just above and just below the pitch until your voice is smooth and strong.
In your mind’s eye this pitch will correspond to a part in the other person’s body where an energy blockage is occurring. If you are unsure of where this spot is, don’t worry, just correct the tone and the energy blockage will clear.
If you feel in your imagination that the tone goes right or left as well as up or down, honor that feeling. If you can’t sense this, just imagine energy is clearing in the other person.
Use your imagination and see your tone run through the person’s body from top to bottom, then bottom to top, and again as necessary until you get a smooth, strong tone without any cracking or soft spots.
Laurel Keyes reports that she tones on average for 15 minutes, and if someone is seriously ill, she tones with others and may continue toning for several weeks, every day. The person receiving the benefit of the healing sound does not have to be present; although she recommends it, if possible.

Toning for Yourself
Close your eyes and imagine that your body is a black ink well. As we utter tones throughout this exercise, visualize clear water coming into the ink well, until it is pristine clear.
Let out the lowest vowel sound, or groan that you can. Let your body speak, not your mind. Be entirely absorbed in your sound and let it rise from you, as if this sound is separate from you. You are just observing it.
Imagine the tone begins in your feet and works its way up the body until it reaches the top of your head, or above that point by 13 inches or so.
Allow the tone to raise in pitch when the body wants it to.
Any areas in which the pitch takes a while to rise, is an area with an energy blockage. Don’t get louder to break through the energy blockage; that will not help. Gently continue toning and give your voice all the time it needs to raise in pitch. If you stay on a pitch for 5-10 minutes, then you are receiving a great healing!
If your voice doesn’t raise right away, in your imagination, see your tone going right of left in your body and finding a path eventually that leads upward.
In the spot in your body where you imagine the blockage or discord to be, send feelings of harmony and well being to that spot. Allow your intent to travel on your voice.
Don’t worry about how you sound, but concentrate on how the sound your body is making feels. Send love to your body.
Let the pitch raise to your highest pitch. On average, this takes 15 minutes.
If you do this regularly, you will feel energized, refreshed, healthier, and watch negative emotions loosen away from your thinking.

There is more to our ears than hearing!!!

There is more to our ears than hearing!!!

Quick Energy Boost

Our ears give us energy! High frequency sounds energize us, while low frequency sound drains our energy.
In an experiment, I listened to high frequency music with earphones for 4 hours a day for about 6 weeks. (Turn up the EQ button on your stereo for the treble sounds to get lots of high frequencies.) At the end of this time, I had so much energy, I was requiring 2 to 3 hours less sleep a day, while maintaining a creative "high" mood and fountains of energy all day.
Another method to boost your energy and mental functioning is to turn the underside of your tongue so it touches the roof of your mouth and hum for about 15 minutes a day. Watch your disposition, mental clarity and energy skyrocket in just one week!
There’s more to our Ears than Hearing.
Dr. Alfred Tomatis discovered that when our ears don’t hear certain frequencies, our voice doesn’t contain those frequencies either. That is, when you modify your hearing, your voice changes.
In order to help opera singers, whose voices were failing, Dr. Tomatis developed a method to strengthen ear muscles, to improve hearing damaged at select frequencies. He developed music that quickly switched from base tones to high frequency ones, making the ear muscles relax and stretch, strengthening them. He developed an audio gym, to exercise your ears! Thus, he was able to help the opera singers regain their voices.
Dr. Tomatis later discovered that strengthening our hearing not only affected our voices, but our emotions as well. We can selectively tune into one sound over another. For example, we can ignore the roar of a crowd and tune into a secret that a friend is telling us.
During times of trauma, we tune out sounds associated with that trauma. For example we can tune out our mother’s voice yelling at us. Dr. Tomatis found that Jewish people right after World War II, were deaf in the frequency of the sirens that took Jewish people to death camps. They tuned out some frequencies so much, they lost the ability to hear them at all!
Unfortunately, hearing loss associated with trauma affects our emotions as well. For example, if we tune out our mother’s voice yelling at us, we may experience emotional difficulty making friends with other women whose voice is in the same frequency as our mother’s voice. When we regain our hearing in these frequencies, we gain emotional flexibility and strength! When we regain our hearing, we lose the pain that we formerly associated with that frequency. Our emotions change. We open up new opportunities for ourselves.
Learn Faster!
Dr. Tomatis uncovered that LEARNING IS DEPENDENT ON OUR HEARING! For example, we learn faster if we are right ear dominant rather than left ear dominant. You would think we hear equally in both ears! Wrong!
The right ear channels sound to our left brain that understands language. Our left ear sends sound to our right brain, which does not understand language. It’s that simple. Sound from our left ear has to make a voyage to several areas of the brain before it gets to the left brain that understands language.
Therefore, people that hear primarily with their left ear take longer to understand the spoken or written word, and sometimes information gets lost in its voyage to the language-processing, left brain. By the time this person understands a message, the speaker has already gone on to several more topics. He is constantly behind and frustrated.
If you know someone who has learning disabilities, get them to check out One can train their ears to hear with the right ear first, and improve their learning ability!
Motor skills can also improve with increased hearing abilities. Our ears are hidden gold mines to enrich our lives!
Learning Disibilities
We not only hear with our ears, but with our bones. Sound that travels through our bones, goes directly to the inner ear, bypassing the middle ear. The middle ear has the ability to focus on only a portion of sound. Without sound going to our inner ears first, we lose the ability to focus on ONE thing. Poor listeners can’t distinguish what they want to hear from meaningless distractions. They can’t zoom out irrelevant sound.
People with attention deficit disorders, (ADHD and ADD), receive sound primarily through their bones. They are forced to pay attention to all sounds, feeling overwhelmed with too much information, and distractions. Frustration, anger and inability to pay attention result. Sometimes these people give up trying to learn.
Tomatis Centers can teach people to channel sound through their ears first, rather than through the bones.
In the Tomatis Center in Toronto, 400 children with learning disabilities were retrained in their hearing processes. Parents saw improvements in:
greater communication, 89%
better attention span, 86%
frustration decreased, 80%
reading comprehension increased, 85%
quality of speech improved, 74%
memory improved, 73%
better spelling 69%
increased maturity 84%.
In a six-month follow up report, 83% of the children maintained their gains or increased them; 14% maintained some of their gains. Only 3% did not maintain their improvements.
H.A. Stutt "concluded that the Tomatis Listening Program produces benefits …including:
A significant increase in IQ,
Better reading skills,
More perceptual processing,
Increased academic skills,
A general sense of adjustment,
More developed communication skills,
A greater ability to express thoughts and feelings."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New sites of Interest

Hello readers,

Just wanted to post a little about a few sites of interest that I just created!!! is a site telling all about the healing powers of sound. I have written a book about some of these techniques, such as toning, sympathetic resonance, tuning various organs, healing intervals and why they work! It is cool and you can purchase it at This is another new site I just created, a teaser on the spiritual powers found in music. The Tibetan monks and various similar spiritual groups have used the power of the tione to increase one's consciousness, which they consider the sum total of your physical health, mental IQ, emotional health! With a special type of toning, that is fed into your ears via headphones, you can alter the usage of your brain, uping your brain power. These healing mental states are ones that people experience in deep medatation. Trouble meditating? Go to and check out the book, Tranformative Power in Music! The book explains how to go into deep meditation with tones in just a few minutes!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Use sound and music to increase your energy!!!

There is more to our ears than hearing!!!

Quick Energy Boost

Our ears give us energy! High frequency sounds energize us, while low frequency sound drains our energy.
In an experiment, I listened to high frequency music with earphones for 4 hours a day for about 6 weeks. (Turn up the EQ button on your stereo up for the treble sounds to get lots of high frequencies.) At the end of this time, I had so much energy, I was requiring 2 to 3 hours less sleep a day, while maintaining a creative "high" mood and fountains of energy all day.
Another method to boost your energy and mental functioning is to turn the underside of your tongue so it touches the roof of your mouth and hum for about 15 minutes a day. Watch your disposition, mental clarity and energy skyrocket in just one week!
There’s more to our Ears than Hearing
Dr. Alfred Tomatis discovered that when our ears don’t hear certain frequencies, our voice doesn’t contain those frequencies either. That is, when you modify your hearing, your voice changes.
In order to help opera singers, whose voices were failing, Dr. Tomatis developed a method to strengthen ear muscles, to improve hearing damaged at select frequencies. He developed music that quickly switched from base tones to high frequency ones, making the ear muscles relax and stretch, strengthening them. He developed an audio gym, to exercise your ears! Thus, he was able to help the opera singers regain their voices.
Dr. Tomatis later discovered that strengthening our hearing not only affected our voices, but our emotions as well. We can selectively tune into one sound over another. For example, we can ignore the roar of a crowd and tune into a secret that a friend is telling us.
During times of trauma, we tune out sounds associated with that trauma. For example we can tune out our mother’s voice yelling at us. Dr. Tomatis found that Jewish people right after World War II, were deaf in the frequency of the sirens that took Jewish people to death camps. They tuned out some frequencies so much, they lost the ability to hear them at all!
Unfortunately hearing loss associated with trauma affects our emotions as well. For example, if we tune out our mother’s voice yelling at us, we may experience emotional difficulty making friends with other women whose voice is in the same frequency as our mother’s voice. When we regain our hearing in these frequencies, we gain emotional flexibility and strength! When we regain our hearing, we loose the pain that we formerly associated with that frequency. Our emotions change. We open up new opportunities for ourselves.
Learn Faster!
Dr. Tomatis uncovered that LEARNING IS DEPENDENT ON OUR HEARING! For example, we learn faster if we are right ear dominant rather than left ear dominant. You would think we hear equally in both ears! Wrong!
The right ear channels sound to our left brain that understands language. Our left ear sends sound to our right brain, which does not understand language. It’s that simple. Sound from our left ear has to make a voyage to several areas of the brain before it gets to the left brain that understands language.
Therefore, people that hear primarily with their left ear take longer to understand the spoken or written word, and sometimes information gets lost in its voyage to the language-processing, left brain. By the time this person understands a message, the speaker has already gone on to several more topics. He is constantly behind and frustrated.
If you know someone who has learning disabilities, get them to check out One can train their ears to hear with the right ear first, and improve their learning ability!
Motor skills can also improve with increased hearing abilities. Our ears are hidden gold mines to enrich our lives!
Learning Disibilities
We not only hear with our ears, but with our bones. Sound that travels through our bones, goes directly to the inner ear, bypassing the middle ear. The middle ear has the ability to focus on only a portion of sound. Without sound going to our inner ears first, we loose the ability to focus on ONE thing. Poor listeners can’t distinguish what they want to hear from meaningless distractions. They can’t zoom out irrelevant sound.
People with attention deficit disorders, (ADHD and ADD), receive sound primarily through their bones. They are forced to pay attention to all sounds, feeling overwhelmed with too much information, and distractions. Frustration, anger and inability to pay attention result. Sometimes these people give up trying to learn.
Tomatis Centers can teach people to channel sound through your ears first, rather than through the bones.
In the Tomatis Center in Toronto, 400 children with learning disabilities were retrained in their hearing processes. Parents saw improvements in;
greater communication, 89%
better attention span, 86%
frustration decreased, 80%
reading comprehension increased, 85%
quality of speech improved, 74%
memory improved, 73%
better spelling 69%
increased maturity 84%.
In a six-month follow up report, 83% of the children maintained their gains and increased them, 14% maintained some of their gains. Only 3% did not maintain their improvements.
H.A. Stutt "concluded that the Tomatis Listening Program produces benefits …including;
A significant increase in IQ,
Better reading skills,
More perceptual processing,
Increased academic skills,
A general sense of adjustment,
More developed communication skills,
A greater ability to express thoughts and feelings."