Chakra Clearing
Science has proven that an energy grid forms in an egg before the physical chicken forms in the egg. Many cultures believe that this is true for humans as well and that we have an underlying subtle energy grid, which affects our physical body. The ancient art of acupuncture, tai chi and chi-gong restore this energy flow.
Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, a Japanese scientist, invented a machine that measured the energy coming from this subtle body. He could detect light coming from chakras of yogi masters and changes in skin currents at acupuncture points.
This underling energy grid has seven major energy centers, called chakras, meaning "energy wheel" from the ancient Sanskrit language. These centers send subtle energy to the physical body, as if the chakras are a gateway.
When an energy centers or a chakra is blocked, the flow of energy into our body is disrupted, and if this continues, then disease results.
Sound is an excellent method to quickly clear your chakras, so your subtle energy can uplift your energy, mood, and health. You can’t beat the price. It’s free!
Ancient cultures teach various methods to clear your chakras with sound. The established systems each use different vowel sounds to clear the chakras, and they all are different. Don’t be alarmed. When we go to the doctors, we may get different medication than another person who has the same medical problem. Why? Because medications affect each person differently. The same applies to sound. Try a sound system, but feel free to modify the sound if something else works better for you!
In fact, you can experiment by thinking of an "ah" sound and imaging the sound in different parts of your body. You will discover that the sound becomes richer and fuller when you imagine it to be in one part of your body and thinner and softer when you imagine it to be in another part of your body. If your friend does this same exercise he may discover that the "AH" sound is richer and louder in a different part of his body.
To Clear Your Chakras with Sound
I am going to use Jonathan Goldman’s vowel chakra sounds, because his system works best for me.
Close your eyes and keep them closed for the remainder of this exercise. Visualize and feel the base of your spine, your first chakra. Imagine a red, healing ball of energy at the base of your spine. Make a deep "UH" sound and imagine that your reproductive organs and the base of your spine are singing this sound. As they do, the area becomes balanced and clear. Do this for several minutes, no longer than five minutes. (Only after you practice this frequently, should you increase this time.)
About three inches below your belly button is your second chakra. Pat attention to this part of your body. Pretend there is an orange ball of light here. Feel the orange healing and warming, orange energy as you gently hum an "OOO" sound into this region of your body. The pitch should be a little higher than the "uh" we previously hummed for the first chakra. Tone for a minute or so, but always no more than five minutes until you are more experienced.
The third chakra is in a circular region from your belly button and up about 2-3 inches. As you visualize a brilliant yellow ball of light in this area, softly sing an "OH" sound. This pitch is slightly higher than the 2nd chakra tone. Feel this part of you body harmonizing with the 1st and 2nd chakras. Continue for a minute or so.
The fourth chakra is located in the region of your heart. Gently sing an "AH" sound (as in "far") and feel your heart area resonating and echoing this tone. Imagine the area is glowing with an emerald green light. Your pitch is again a little higher and is now in the middle range of your voice. Feel this area harmonizing with the first three chakras. Continue for several minutes.
The fifth chakra is located in your throat area. Hum an "EYE" sound with a slightly higher pitch, and see if you can vibrate the area around your throat. Imagine the throat area incased in a beautiful light ball of blue. Feel your throat area balancing with the other four chakras. Continue for several minutes.
The sixth chakra is located in between your two eyes brows, and ever so slightly above them. See an indigo (bluish/purple color) ball of light vibrating this area, to the gently hum of an "AYE" sound (as in "day"). Your pitch is higher yet and is entering the higher portion of your voice. Feel the area between your two eye brows balance in alignment with the other areas we have done. Continue for several minutes.
The seventh chakra is located on the top or your head. With your highest pitch yet, sing lightly an "EEE" sound, while visualizing a violet ball of light resting into the top of your head. Harmonize this area by feeling peace and balance with all other chakras. Feel centered in your body. Feel the energy flowing better than before, cleansing and lifting you up.
Thank you for posting this, I am now going to try out this technique!
I am very interested in this grid. i think I have been seeing it my whole life and need more wisdom behind it any reading suggestions? i understand chakras but this grid i see is more white or maybe many colors combined
That makes sense....The colors of light combine differently than the colors of pigments. When the colors of light combine, like the chakra light colors...they produce white light!
The chakras vibrate and create energy that goes to your body, and assists many body processes and organs with attuning energy. Plus your emotions are simply octaves of the colors of light..(the chakra colors) and your emotions can be positively uplifted as well!
Try the exercise...and will you get back to me?? Let me know how it goes! Hugs J
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